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Newton Burgoland Primary School

Newton Burgoland Primary School

Together We Can Achieve Excellence

Class 3 - Years 3 & 4

Welcome to Class 3.  Class 3 is a quirky and creative place to be!

It is made up of Years 3 and 4, Lower Key Stage 2.  The class teacher is Miss Duckworth and the teaching assistant is Mr Ikin. 

Our learners will have the opportunity to display their talents and improve their areas of difficulty using a wide range of topics for inspiration, centred around a main theme. 

Topics incorporate key learning skills that are transferable across all subjects in the curriculum as well as preparing them for life beyond school.  Activities range from poetry to problem solving and from singing to scientific experiments.  Learners regularly change table partners to encourage working effectively with a range of different people. 

There are opportunities to experience a range of live performances including Orchestra Unwrapped and theatre productions.  Membership of Creative Learning Services enables us to tailor our curriculum to meet the needs of our learners, by artefact experiences or book talks for example.

In addition to visiting Beaumanor Hall we enjoy an exciting trip to the Magna Centre to build our science knowledge through practical experiences and demonstrations. The day includes a visit to the water park.

We love to see our learners flourish over their time in the class, enjoying their activities and relishing each new challenge.

PE is on Wednesday and Monday.

year A

year B


We follow White Rose, making adaptations to suit the needs of our pupils.

In class 3 we work hard to learn all of our times tables using TTRS. You can help at home by making sure that your child has at least 15 minutes a day to work on TTRS.


Some pupils will need to secure thier phonic knowledge for reading and spelling at the start of year 3. We build on the Little Wandle scheme working on fluency. Shared reading and book talks widen our reading diet.


You can help at home by practising key spellings and by encouraging your child to write in full sentences, in their best writing when doing homework.


You will find a brief overview of units of work below and how your could help at home, for more information see our subject pages.


In the Mists of time

Where  and when did the first civilizations appear?

What do all the Ancient Civilisations have in common?

We lean into our learning habits (curiosty and enquiry, collaboration and independence) to try to find answers to these questions. We then focus in Ancient Egypt to make comparisons between the early civilisations before studying The Stone Age in the spring term.

We will see tht ancient civilisations developed trade links, laws and governments long before the western world. We start to consider the term Empire. In design we look at how the Egyptians moved water and design our own system. A visit by museum services supports our learning.

You can help at home by taking us to visit the Egyptian exhibts in New Walk Museum.

In science we build on previous learning lookng at habitats and biomes then materials and states of matter.

Our art work using charcoal and looking at early cave paintings prepares us for our spring term history unit adn supports our drawing skills.


We built this city


Was Stone Age man civilised?

Was Stone Age man simply a hunter and gatherer, concerned only with survival? 

Again we need to be curious, collaborative and independent. We find out that the UK was not as advanced as other parts of the world and visit Cresswell Craggs and Bradgate to look at life in the past.

You can help at home by taking us for a walk at Burrough Hill. 

In science we are looking at forces and magnets followed by the digestive system and teeth. We will be building on learning in class 2 about a healthy diet.

In art we are exploring pattern making links with our work in DT - weaving.  We will look at arange of artists, celebrating diversity and achievemnt.  

Interconnected World

It's the summer term. Time to look at the plats growing around us. To plant, harvest and revisit healthy eating. This supports our learning in PSHCE.

You can help at home by exploring where the food you are eating comes from. You could visit farm and pick some fruits and vegetables or grow your own.

Our geography takes us around the wrold looking at time zones making connections with climate change and human activty. We consider why people may be forced to leave their homes and develop empathy for those affected by war, climate change or economic uncertainty.

Romans - Ruling and Roaming

We will find out about the Roman Empire. About the Celts, comparing and contrasting the lives of the Romans with the lives of the Celts. We will use primary sources and visit the Jewry Museum (when it reopens). We are building our knowedlge of the connecting themes in history: Empire, Monachy, trade, civilsation and diversty.

There are strong links between our study of the Romans in leicester and our work in geography when we consdier how Leicester has changed over time. A highlight of this term is our work with Leicestershire Education Business Company. We visit the Golden Mile and find out when and why families emigrated to leicester. 

In art we return to drawing building our skills, sunig drawing to tell stories.

In science we look at nutrition and the skeleton. 

You can help at home by taking us into Leicester to explore the varied fruits and vegetables available in the market. We could visit Wall to explore the Roman site or the one in Coventy. A trip to Hadrians Wall would be amazing. A bit of help to practice sewing would help before we make our Christmas stockings.

Extreme Earth

We are off to the Magna centre - but there is so much to see we could go back as afamily?

Rocks and soils are our thing this term. You can find out more here. We might even explore some chocloate rocks to practise our observatin and classifiaction skills in science.

This book tells the tale of a volcanic eruption  taking us back in time to the Roman Empire again.

In art the sewing needles are out as we explore and create textile art. 

In design we are making bread ( and eating it!) maybe we could have ago at home.

it's all Greek to me

It's the summer and it might even be an Olympic year. 

We are historians, finding out how we know so much about the Greek Empire. We are back to Empire, war, diversity, monarchy and diversity.

Equality pops up!  Only men could compete in the early Olympics. We will compare the Olympics today and in the past recognising the imprtance of the paralymics. 

In science we are exploring electricity and light and in DT lighting the dark.

Our drawing skills are improving as we work to animate our pictures.